Ideations and thumbnail sketches

While establishing the core experience through mind maps, I research and ideate in conjunction. Its a good way to surround yourself in the world of the product. 

Industrial design is a unique job in that designers learn new things as the design process takes its course.  I learn something new in every project. From science & technology, health & fitness, medical, mechanical & electrical engineer to human behavior, the research phase is where you are able to explore the world and apply your learnings to your own little world. Take it all in and take note of them! Some ideas may be totally off the wall and silly, but this stage of the process calls for that type of creativity. Plus, the knowledge you gained from your research and "silly" thumbnail sketches may be helpful for future projects. 

The research and ideation sketches below are from a sustainable design project I worked on called the "ZEM House Project". The assignment was to design the structure of an "off-the-grid", sustainable micro-home, and create the eco-friendly furniture and appliances for it.